Program Structure
Please follow the program structure outlined in the Academic Calendar from your FIRST academic year as a student at St. Thomas University. Find the Academic Calendars HERE. If you have any questions, please contact your academic advisor.
Interdisciplinary Major with a focus in Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Management
The Interdisciplinary Major with a focus in Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Management (SENP) is open to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts program. It connects the university’s social and environmental values and liberal arts offerings with the theory and practical skills needed to create, develop, or participate in a social enterprise or a nonprofit organization post-graduation.

It consists of 36 credit hours, of which 30 credit hours must be above the introductory level. A summary of the requirements for the major in Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Management is the successful completion of BUSI 1003, 1013, 2033, 2043, 3023, 3043, 3053 and 15-credit hours of electives from the approved list below.
Required first-year courses (6 credit hours):
BUSI 1003 Introduction to Social Enterprise
BUSI 1013 Contemporary Case Studies in Social Enterprise
Required upper-level courses (15 credit hours):
BUSI 2033 Building the Social Enterprise
BUSI 2043 Marketing for the Social Enterprise
BUSI 3023 Nonprofit Management (ENVS-3033)
BUSI 3043 Finance and Fundraising for Social Enterprises
BUSI 3053 Social Enterprise Work-Study Placement

Electives (15 credit hours):
The remaining 15-credit hours must be selected from the list of approved electives listed below:
BUSI 3013 Personal Financial Planning
BUSI 3033 Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining
ECON 2153 Political Economy I
ECON 2203 Community Economic Development (ENVS) (HMRT) (COPP)
ECON 2223 Political Economy of Women: Selected Topics (SOCI) (WSGS) (HMRT)
ECON 2333 Ecological Economics
ECON 2403 Economics of Poverty
ECON 3153 Political Economy II
ECON 3333 Perspectives on Underdevelopment
ECON 3443 New Brunswick Economy
ENVS 2023 Environment and Society II: Perspectives on Human-Nature Relations
ENVS 2123 Food Systems and Sustainability
ENVS 3013 Environment and Society III: Policy, Power and Politics
ENVS 3053 Sustainability Auditing and Reporting
HMRT 2033 Human Rights in Theory and Practice
HMRT 3133 Human Rights Advocacy, Activism and Social Justice
PHIL 2253 The Ethics of Sustainability: Thinking, Acting Green (ENVS) (HMRT)
SOCI 2416 Inequality in Society (WSGS)
SOCI 3133 Sociology of Work and Leisure
Interdisciplinary Minor with a focus in Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Management
Students wishing to pursue an interdisciplinary minor with a focus in Social Entrepreneurship and Nonprofit Management are required to take 18 credit hours of courses in the subject, including BUSI 1003, 1013, and 2033.